Today, when we can hardly tell the difference between the war photographs taken of people killed,
exploded, beheaded or died in other horrible way in Iraq, Israel, Congo or elsewhere and the protocol
photographs of politicians taken in Budapest, Washington, Madrid or Seoul, when we are not interested
either in images or in texts, well, this is the right moment to return to pictures in which nothing is
happening, there are only buildings, cities, mountains and people, who live in a milieu worthy of man and
who do not even suspect what is going to happen to them in a week, in a month, in a year. The piano
manufacturer in Arad, Jacques Faix, who is one of the most significant figures of non-professional – but
not dilettante – photographers, presents something that could be the most important to our eyes and mind
tired of horror ... He presents what we have lost led by political, ideological or other interest, in other
words: where and how our fathers used to live in palmy days of peace.