::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
  ::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
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Book series of the Hungarian Museum of Photography
“Pages from the history of Hungarian photography”
Károly Kincses:
The photographer, architect, painter Iván Vydareny

2000, 156 pages, 130 pictures, with English summary, HUF 3.000
Architect, photographer and painter, specialist. Beyond this, in the period between the two world wars, the most prominent organizing intellect of Hungarian art- photography. During his life he produced many –several ten thousand– artistic creations. He painted watercolors, oil paintings, and drawings, from the early 1900’s until the end of his life. The quality of these are in no way inferior to his photographic creations. Dozens of buildings in Budapest and the countryside exhibit his architectural talent, artistic vein and precision as an architect.
As an artist, but also as an organizer of the life of photography of his time, he has earned our appreciation. He becomes a member of the Association of Hungarian Amateur Photographers in June of 1914. He is co-editor, then editor in chief of the Photo Arts News (Fotómuvészeti Hírek). He wrote more than a hundred professional articles, during the 1920’s he taught the most varied elements of photography and secrets of optics and various permanent processes. He pursued on a high level, all permanent processes and soft-focus photography. The monograph presents his photographic and painting oeuvre.
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