Research services
The Hungarian Museum of Photography may explore amongst the following
- biographies and life-works of Hungarian and foreign photographers
- the history of Hungarian and foreign exhibitions
- the history of institutions connected to photography
- the history of photographic techniques
- books, manuscripts, studies dealing with photo-history, -theory, and -aesthetics
- video- and audio-interviews
Scientific services
- definition of photo-pieces
- theoretical and practical solutions for tasks concerning conservation and restoration
- assessment of photographs
- writing of photographer’s biographies, data-supply
- library, the researchability of the document-archive
Commercial activity
- purchasing and selling of original photographs, cameras, documents concerning photography
- selling of museum copies
- production of facsimile-photographs
Photographic archive »»
we serve the
press, publishing houses, the media with photographs of various possible topics.
Copies are available
The Hungarian Museum of Photography undertakes the production of copiees in the following forms:
- b&w paper prints
- colour paper prints
- digital prints
- leica-size, medium format, or sheet-film colour transparencies
- high resolution digital formats
(jpg/tif formats, on floppy disc, CD, DVD, or on-line)
Research days:
Wednesday, Friday: 10am – 4 pm