As exhibition-title suggests visitors can take part in two journeys at the same time: on the one
hand diversity of the world visited by Hungarian photographers over 160 years becomes visible, on
the other hand a selection of a new, not known segment of world-famous Hungarian photography can be
seen here.
Questions, keeping occupied many minds became the leading thought of the exhibition: what
pictures were seen, what photos were taken by Hungarian or Hungarian originated photographers and
which technique was used by them since photography was invented. The first photo of the selection
was taken by Pál Rosti in 1857 when he was on a South-American expedition and the closing photo was
taken by a contemporary-artist. Between these two furthest points there are 80 photos shown, that
are definitely not concentrated on photographing famous tourist-sights, but they all reflect the
feeling and mentality of countries through lenses of Hungarian photographers.
Photos of André Kertész, Márton Munkácsi, Robert és Cornell Capa, Ferenc Berkó, József Pécsi,
Haller F.G., Angelo, János Reismann, Márta Rédner, Miklós Rév and many others are exhibited. A
common point in their artistic life is that their autonomous photos taken abroad have high
importance in their life-work.