::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
  ::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography ::::::: ::::::: Activities ::::::: ::::::: Publications ::::::: ::::::: Exhibitions :::::::
3. June 2004. –
Sándor Sára’s photos
Vienna, Collegium Hungaricum

Presenting photos of an artist, who is a famous representative of another kind of artistic approach, can be a very doubtful attempt. Sára has spent most of his life sitting in director’s chair while shooting films; later he became president of Duna Television that achieved „The Best Cultural TV Channel” award. Besides his profession, among his daily duties he could establish considerable, photographic life-work. Photos taken and ordered to be taken by Sára Sándor during the last decades were only to be kept to himself. Though photography was always involved in his life, it could never acquire the leading part. Picture composition and editing technique he learnt and used when he was taking photos, had important influence on his filming and moving-picture approach.

It becomes obvious from his documentaries and films, that People were his main interest. As well as in his photos. His early social-, and late Indian-photos reflect this field of interest the most. These two pillars give a frame to Sára’s 50-year-old photographic life-work. They show well, how coherent his artistic-life was. Social photos prepared for his collage entrance-exam, his monochrome photos of gipsies and old village-people, social photos taken in Transylvania, his nature pictures, his werk photos during shooting films, his portrait photos. Each of his different photographic topics has an important place in history of Hungarian photography. His exhibited photos in Hungarian Photographers’ House had a great success, as well as his photo-album.

Photos on show were selected from the Hungarian Museum of Photography’s collection.

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