::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
  ::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography ::::::: ::::::: Activities ::::::: ::::::: Publications ::::::: ::::::: Exhibitions :::::::
February 13th - April 4th 2004.
Ernő Vadas' life-work exhibition
Focusing on waking lifeworks of illustrious Hungarian photographers and presenting them in details either for experts or for the public has been an outstanding element of exhibition- and book publishing- programme for the Hungarian Museum of Photography.
The integrated exhibition on show fits in this series of programme and will be organised from Ernő Vadas' amazingly plentiful lifework. As a respectable amount of Vadas-photos and written documentation can be found in the museum-collection there is a possibility to show all the different aspects of his life-work and to publish a monography parallel with this exhibition as a new edition of the museum's photo-history book series.
::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
::::::: Imprint :::::::