September 19th – October 24th 2003.
The DOFO Group (1958–1975)
Creative photography in the sixties in Czechoslovakia
Group Dofo was the very first Czechoslovakian autonomous photographer-group that was directly in contact
with avant-garde artistic style of the 1930s. In 1962 young photographers, workers and academic experts
from Olomouc and Brünn started to think in the same way about autonomous artistic photography. Their main
aim, focusing on expression of abstract and absurd photography was in line with the main Czech artistic
stream of the ’60s. Techniques applied by them – often suggesting their photos graphical influence – were
not only helping the complete renewal of visual expression, but had direct contact with main tendencies
of fine art abstract expressionism, like: pop-art and op-art. The exhibition also settles up a debt, as
photos shown represent a not very well-known part of a neighbouring country’s photography-history.
Artists of exhibition: Václav Zykmund, Jaroslav Vávra, Vojtech Sapara, Vilém Reichmann, Ivo Precek,
Zdenek Matlocha, Rupert Kytka, Slavoj Kovarík, Jaromír Kohoutek, Jan Hajn, Antonín Gribovsky, Jirí