*. 2000.
German art photography around 1900
In co-operation with the Goethe Institut and the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart
To have a look at German photography at the turn of the century? Why, you could ask. It was long
time ago, far away. What is all this good for?
Well, I have an answer to this. It is valid for me, the others should decide. Since I am allowed to
travel, I am less and less convinced about the existence of Hungarian, German, Danish, Austrian or
Hottentot art-photography. I believe there is just one, which is universal, which is build up of
good Hungarian, German, Danish, good Hottentot photographs and photographers. Therefore the answer
to the question is the following: those who see German art-photographs from the turn of the century
in the Hungarian Museum of Photography, will find a few good, and a few outstanding works of
universal photography by Nicola Perscheid, Heinrich Kühn, Eugene Frank, Hugo Erfurtht and Rudolf
Dührkoop. This – we may admit – is something great.