*. 2000.
Atelier Lotte Jacobi: Berlin–New York
An exhibition arranged together with th Goethe Institut in Budapest and Das Verborgene Museum in Berlin
For the first time in Hungary, her 50 original pieces can be seen. Lotte was born in 1896 as a
member of the fourth generation of a photographer-dynasty and died 93 later in America. She belongs
to those few, who, having left the Nazi Germany, managed to build up an even more brilliant career
overseas. She became known as a representative of the new style of photography of the 20s, later
she was famous for her portrayal. "My style is always my model's style -was her ars poetica in
Berlin in the blissful days of the 20s, later in America, she took her famous photographs of Albert
Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Egon Ervin Kisch, Käthe Kollowitz, Kurt Weill, René Clair, Heinrich
Mann etc. The list could be continued as her pictures present the full panorama of art-, theatre-,
literature- and political life of the age. She took fantastic series of photographs of the photo-
geniuses she got to know: Edward Steichen, Minor White, Albert Renger-Patzsch. For Hungarians Lotte
Jacobi's pictures are even more interesting as we can see the portrait of Hungarians who lived in
Berlin in 20s, 30s eg. László Moholy-Nagy, János Reismann or Lórant Stefan's wife Niura Norskaya.
Her photographs were published in the most famous newspapers of the age: in Berliner Illustrirte
Zeitung, Uhu or Münchner Illustrierte Presse.