*. 1999.
Martsa Alajos and his friends from the world of artists
A retrospective from the works of the great personality of the 20th century Hungarian Photography
The name: Alajos Martsa (1910–1979) can rightly be regarded a watershed in the history of Hungarian
photography and art. Those who have insufficient knowledge on his life, work and friends can rightly
regard themselves not-so-well-versed in the history of Hungarian photography and art. Most of the
people do not worry about this. For those who do, we have arranged this oeuvre exhibition. Some works
of those who played an important role in Martsa's development to become a photographer and artist are
also presented: pictures of Kálmán Uy, Dénes Rónai and Mihály Maurer, a photographer working in
Tunis. The selection of Martsa's whole creative work is even more important: his early desert-
photographs, photograms and above all the inspired portraits of his artist-friends. Jenő Tersánszky-
Józsi, József Berda, Móritz, Babits, Czóbel, Kassák, Endre Bálint, Béni Ferenczi and many more face
you from the walls of the exhibition hall.