“Pages from the history of Hungarian photography”
Photographic works by Zsigmond Károlyi, with the foreword by Dezső Tandori
(Unknown East-European Artist from the 20th century)
2003, 188 pages, with 179 pictures, HUF 3.500
Throughout its 12 years of existence, apart from classical photography
the Hungarian Museum of Photography has been putting special emphasis on works of art created on the
borderline of fine arts and photography, as the two fields of art have started to merge at many points.
Following this ambition of ours, we will publish a book on the photographic work of Zsigmond Károlyi,
fine artist, who was awarded with a Munkácsy price. The 50-year-old artist has created the majority of
his post-conceptual works in the 1970’s, 1980’s using photography as a medium, making an attempt to
formulate basic questions of painting on photographs.