::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
  ::::::: Hungarian Museum of Photography :::::::
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Book series of the Hungarian Museum of Photography
“Pages from the history of Hungarian photography”
Paulius Normantas:
Following Sándor Korösi Csoma’s footsteps and dreams

2002, 116 pages, 90 pictures with English summary, HUF 2.200
The Lithuanian photographer, Paulius Normantas traveled through Kashmir, Tibet, Pakistan, Afganistan, India and theTransyvanian Csomakorös following the footsteps of an emblematic figure, the Székely-Hungarian Sándor Korösi Csoma and took photographs of the hardly changing landscapes and people, just as the great traveller could see them. Normantas was the only one, however, who visited with his camera those places as well, where Csoma only longed to be, in vain. He visited the Uigurs and could see everything that Csoma could not because of his illness, different local wars, the weather and the lack of money, the enormous energy and time he spent on the compilation of the Tibetian dictionary. The oeuvre of Sándor Korösi Csoma has been completed by a Lithuanian photographer, the real journey has been completed by the dreamed one for the first time here. This book is not a scientific study, not a travel book but an album of an autonomous artist, in which Normantas presents in his well-known unmaniputated, documentarist and humanist, lyrical way what we, ordinary readers could never see without him.
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