Vélemények Megtekintve Legutóbbi vélemény dátuma
1 35176 2007, Október 30.
Javasolva Átlagos ár Átlagos osztályzat
A véleményezők 100%-a által Nincs megadva 7.0

Leírás: This lens, used alone without attachments, performs macrophotography from life-size to 5x magnification. This lens offers much better portability and operability for outdoor high magnification macro photography of flowers, insects, etc., than conventional bellows systems. The optics uses a 3-group floating system, which moves three lens groups independently for focusing. This compensates aberrations caused by the large changes of image magnification inherent in macrophotography, while achieving high magnification from life-size to 5x and a fast f/2.8 maximum aperture. A UD (Ultra-low Dispersion) glass lens element corrects chromatic aberration, which is often a problem in high-magnification macrophotography, and achieves a high-resolution and high-contrast image without color fringing. Automatic aperture drive by EMD (Electro-Magnetic Diaphragm) unit makes possible AE shooting with TTL metering for the entire range with EOS-1, EOS-1N and EOS-3 cameras (Manual exposure control for other EOS cameras). The wide manual focusing ring and detachable tripod mount assure good operability, and macro flash photography is possible with the optional Macro Ring Lite ML-3. The Angle Finder C, being marketed concurrently, is convenient for waist-level/low-angle shooting. Its 19.5mm long eyepoint and easy switching of magnification between 1.25x and 2.5x are very useful for macro photography.

Kulcsszavak: makró mp-e mpe 65 1-5x macro


Regisztrált: 2006 Augusztus
Vélemény dátuma: 2007, Október 30. Javasolná másnak is? Igen | Ár: Nincs megadva | Osztályzat: 7 

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Képeim írásaim (ezzel is, meg erről is): http://www.miklosrabi.com

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